In his petition, the petitioner Mr. Jamil Khan writes as below To David Mepham, Director, Human Rights Watch, UK. Subject: Calling off documentary screening ‘InshaAllah Democracy’ that glorifies former military dictator, Pervez Musharraf, in the film festival organised by Human Rights Watch at South Bank, London, on 9th March 2018 It is really disappointing to see former dictator, absconder, a war criminal and terror-sympathiser, Pervez Musharraf, is being praised in a festival organised by Human Rights Watch at South Bank on 9th of March 2018. The documentary ‘Insha’allah Democracy’ legitimises and glorifies military dictatorial rules and undermines civilian/parliament supremacy. It is the same Pervez Musharaf who abrogated country’s democratic constitution twice in 1999 and 2007, jailed political activists and has been involved in numerous international and domestic war crimes and crimes against humanity. Some of his crimes may include: - Hosted most wanted terrorist...